Coffee shop selling specialty coffee

Specialty Coffee VS Third Wave

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It’s also one of the oldest, with records showing people drinking it as early as the 9th century. Today, coffee has evolved from a simple cup of hot water into something that can be enjoyed with milk or cream, served cold or hot, and brewed using various methods. You can even get fancy with your coffee. Specialty coffee refers to high-quality beans roasted by experts and brewed by professionals who have spent years mastering their craft.

In this guide, we’ll look at the relationship between specialty coffee and third-wave coffee. Also, we’ve included a FAQs section below to help you better understand the subject.

What Is Specialty Coffee?

Specialty coffee describes high-quality coffee grown, roasted, and brewed with care. Specialty coffees are more expensive than regular blends because of the extra steps to process the beans. Specialty coffee also goes beyond just how you brew your cup as well. It’s also about understanding where your beans come from and how they are processed.

Specialty coffees are usually served in a cafe or coffee shop and can be purchased by the cup. The amount of espresso in an espresso-based drink like an Americano varies by type of specialty roast or sold as whole beans that customers can grind before brewing at home. These specialty roasts are often made from higher-quality beans. This means they have a better flavor, making them perfect for those who enjoy drinking their morning Joe black or sweetened with milk, sugar, or even cream.

What Is Third Wave Coffee?

Third-wave coffee is defined by its emphasis on quality, sustainability, and innovation. Third-wave coffee is about the origins of the coffee bean, how it is grown and processed, and how it tastes. These days, when you order a cup of Joe at your local cafe or specialty roastery, you’re likely to hear something like this: “The roast was done in-house at 500 degrees Fahrenheit for 35 minutes after being placed on a rotating drum that was heated by propane gas.”

Or perhaps your waiter will tell you about how they spent two years learning to brew the perfect cup of coffee before opening up their shop, with all profits helping rebuild schools in Africa. Third-wave coffees have become an experience in themselves, thanks not only to their origin stories but also because customers are becoming more educated consumers who want to know precisely where their drink came from before they take that first sip.

Definition of third wave coffee

Image credit > Breakslow from Unsplash

How Is Third Wave Coffee Different From Specialty Coffee?

You might have heard that third-wave coffee is all about the experience. That’s part of the definition; a cup of third-wave coffee must be good enough to make you want to return for more. But what does it mean for it to be so enjoyable?

First and foremost, the quality of the coffee itself is paramount. The beans used in making this kind of drink are roasted at lower temperatures than those used in standard specialty coffee, and they’re also lighter on their feet. The result is something smoother and rounder than your average cup of coffee. And if you’ve ever seen how many different varieties there are out there now, you know just how much variety can exist within one type.

But even though these differences may seem subtle at first glance, they make all the difference when combined with other factors like consistency over time and customer service that goes above and beyond expectations. This brings us back again: the third wave isn’t just about what happens before or after brewing. It’s about everything surrounding every step along the way.

What Is Good About Third Wave Coffee?

Third Wave coffee is more complex, less bitter, and has more flavor than specialty coffee. This means the flavors are more pronounced, and the acidity level is lower. It has an immaculate taste, which makes it perfect for coffee drinkers who don’t like the taste of black coffee.

It’s also an excellent option for those who want to reduce caffeine intake. It is a more gentle way of getting your morning fix, making it ideal for people trying to reduce their coffee consumption.

Cold-brew coffee is made with a cooler water temperature, so it can be steeped for more extended periods. This allows the flavor compounds to develop over time and gives you more control over how strong or weak they want their coffee to be.

It also prevents over-extraction, which can cause bitterness in your coffee. The result is a smoother, less acidic taste that leaves you feeling refreshed rather than energized.

What Makes Specialty Coffee Special?

There are many ways to classify specialty coffee, but quality is one of the most important. Specialty coffee beans are usually defined as being Arabica and have been grown at high altitudes, often under shade trees. They’re also processed in a way that preserves their unique flavor profile and protects them from damage caused by pests and other contaminants.

But there’s more to specialty coffee than just that. Quality begins with roasting, giving each bean its distinct taste profile. Aromatic compounds produced during roasting will vary depending on how long it’s roasted for, what temperature it was roasted at, and what type of roast profile was used (light/medium/dark).

Once you’ve selected your beans and they’re ready for brewing, you can take advantage of all the different brewing methods available. Pour-over cones allow minimal water, while drip brewers use more significant quantities. Espresso machines produce small servings quickly but require specialized equipment that takes up space in your kitchen or office. Cold brew systems produce delicious drinks without any heat. You can even make coffee with an infuser if all else fails.

What Happened To the First and Second Wave of Coffee?
With so many different kinds of coffee, it can be hard to track what’s what. That’s why we’re here with a quick guide to the three primary waves of coffee and where they fall in history.

First Wave Coffee: This was the first wave of modern specialty coffee in America. It was followed by Second Wave Coffee, which focused more on environmental impact, quality control, flavor profiling, and farming practices. The Third Wave is now starting to take hold across the country and worldwide. Fourth Wave Coffee refers to how some people are experimenting with non-traditional methods like cold brews or nitrogen-infused drinks that were unheard of just ten years ago.

The First Wave of coffee was when it started to become popular in America. It was the time when people began to realize that coffee could be more than just a drink for their morning commute. The First Wave brought with it the idea that coffee could be something special, something you savored and enjoyed instead of simply gulping down while driving in your car.

The coffee industry is constantly evolving, with new techniques and processes appearing all the time. At its core, specialty coffee is about quality control, sustainability, and social responsibility. The third-wave coffee takes this concept further with a focus on innovation and quality. As we can see from our discussion of these different brewing styles, there are many ways to make a great cup of coffee.

where can i get specialty and third wave coffee

Specialty Coffee Vs. Third Wave FAQs

Specialty coffee is a term that describes the highest-quality coffee available. These beans are grown and processed in a specific way to bring out the best flavor and aroma. Specialty coffee can be brewed in many different ways, but one of the best methods is to use an espresso machine.

The best place to buy specialty coffee beans is at your local grocery store or roaster. If possible, visit your local roaster’s shop or website before purchasing online so you can see what they have available and how everything looks and smells.

Where are the best places to buy specialty coffee beans?

Coffee shops and coffee roasters are the best places to purchase specialty coffee. Many shops have their in-house roasting facilities, so you can be sure that your beans will be fresh. It would be best if you also looked for places that roast their beans in small batches so they can be sure of the quality and freshness of every bean they sell.

Online stores are another option, but there’s no guarantee that online coffee sellers will roast their beans. If you choose to buy from an online retailer, always read reviews from other customers before placing your order.

Whole Foods Market offers a wide selection of specialty coffees and brewing paraphernalia like grinders and French presses. However, it does not sell whole roasted beans or ground coffee for espresso machines.

Is there a Specialty Coffee Association of America?

Yes! The Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) is the primary governing body for specialty coffee. SCAA is a non-profit organization founded in 1982, with over 10,000 members. They help set standards for quality and sustainability within the specialty coffee industry and provide resources and education to those working there.

The association hosts an annual conference where industry professionals can learn more about this rapidly growing field.

What are the different ways to brew specialty coffee beans?

Barista-brewed coffee is traditionally made by hand and can be served in various ways, from espresso to pour-over. Most people prefer a drip filter for their at-home brews, which involves pouring hot water over ground beans in a filter basket. These filters are available in different types, paper or metal, and can be purchased easily online or at your local grocery store.

Drip filters are also portable; they’re small enough to fit inside most car cup holders and have an ergonomic design, so you don’t have to worry about burning yourself while taking them out on the road.

Another way to make specialty coffee is by using an automatic brewer like Keurig or Tassimo machines, which are popular among people who only drink one cup daily. These brewers come with single-serve pods containing pre-measured amounts of grounds and water for perfect results every time. They’re also perfect for making quick cups when traveling because they take up minimal space – just fill them up with hot water before heading out on vacation.

What are the elements of a quality coffee?

A quality cup of coffee should be an experience that is both satisfying to the senses and memory. Good coffee will have a distinct aroma, be full-bodied with a rich mouthfeel, and provide an even flavor across all three stages of drinking: smell, taste, and aftertaste.

Aroma is the first thing we notice when we approach fresh coffee. When you smell your favorite brew, it should fill your senses with memories of past experiences or create new ones in anticipation of what’s to come.

Taste refers to how your tongue perceives flavor on its surface and how that translates into sensations inside your mouth as you sip your drink slowly. The best coffees are balanced between bitterness and sweetness, with slight acidity added for balance, while providing enough body to feel like drinking something rather than just tasting it.

What is the best grade for coffee?

A good rule of thumb is to look for Arabica coffee. It’s grown at higher altitudes and has a smooth taste. Robusta coffee is of lower quality and grows at lower altitudes. Arabica beans have a more delicate flavor than Robusta beans, but they’re also pricier, so if budget is an issue, look for robusta.

If you’re looking for a rich, complex flavor and aroma, it’s best to choose freshly ground beans. That way, every sip will be as delicious as the last.

Once you’ve found your coffee beans, it’s time to grind them. You can start using a standard-size burr grinder (which costs between $20 and $100). If you’re looking for something that produces consistent grinds every time, consider investing in an electric burr grinder with a timer, which runs about $50.

Why is coffee good for your health?

There are many reasons why coffee can be good for you. First and foremost, caffeine is a stimulant that helps to improve wakefulness, alertness, and focus. It’s also been shown to increase concentration levels and improve mood. Caffeine has been shown to boost energy levels by helping the body metabolize fat more quickly, meaning it can help people lose weight or maintain ideal body weight. In addition to increasing metabolism and energy, caffeine also improves memory and learning ability by improving blood flow throughout the brain.


Let’s face it that we all want the best when it comes to coffee. Not only does it give us the kick we need in the morning, but it also tastes great. But we can’t forget about the health benefits either. There are so many ways to brew your coffee correctly and get the best results that it can be challenging to know which method is suitable for you. Also, we hope this article helps you understand the relationship between specialty coffee and the third wave.

About the Author
The Coffee Blogger

There's something special about coffee. The way it smells, the way it tastes, the way it makes you feel. It's no wonder coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. For coffee lovers, drinking coffee is more than just a way to wake up in the morning. It's an experience to be savored. From choosing the perfect beans to brewing the perfect cup, coffee is a labor of love. But it's all worth it when you take that first sip of steaming hot coffee and feel the caffeine jolt bringing you to life. That's what loving coffee is all about.